Yes! The Gin Festival has come to an end. Sadly. But we still love gin and believe it is here to stay. It is time to expand and offer you more variety in spirits. You will be inspired and surprised!
And how many days is the event?
Only 1 day. But a glorious day. Saturday May 16th 2020.
What are the opening hours?
You are welcome from 15:00. The last call will be just after 21:30 and at 22:00 you can be on your way, safely.
What is included in the ticket price?
The entrance fee includes access to Drinks Amsterdam with a tasting glass. The tasting of most spirits is also included in the price. Very exclusive rums can be tasted for a small additional fee. There are seminars, tastings and master classes that can be attended for a small fee. You can order tickets to the Mixing School and the various tastings directly with your entrance ticket. There is also a Main Stage, where presentations can be attended for free.
Buying a large glass yourself is no longer necessary this year. The admission price is therefore slightly higher: renting glassware and the people who collect it is simply not cheap. The advantage is that you no longer have to walk with 2 glasses if that is not necessary, or that you have to keep an eye on your glass before someone else takes it.
Sounds good, but what if I like to buy a mixed drink?
Every brand sells their Perfect Serve, a.k.a. the best way to enjoy their spirit or mixer. You can pay directly at the stand, only with a bank card (creditcard may come with a surcharge). Depending on the drink, you pay around € 5 to € 8 for a mix or cocktail. This year we will provide glassware centrally.
Wait a second, I no longer have to purchase my own glass?
No, that is no longer necessary. We arrange all the glassware, except for your test slide. And because you can pay directly at the stand, you no longer have to stand in line to buy a glass or coins. Easy does it.
And if I get hungry?
Balance between food and drink is very important to enjoy the festival to the max. It is difficult to determine the amount of food items for each festival, as the food stalls run independently of our festival. We have experienced rows that were far too long in the last editions and costly time to taste drinks.
Because there is more than enough opportunity to have an evening meal near the Beurs van Berlage, we will be selling ‘borrelplanken’ at the event itself. Nice as a snack when you are chilling with your friends while enjoying a cocktail. If you feel like a burger or something else, grab a burger from around the corner.
And what if it rains?
Of course it won’t rain 😉
Well alright, there is always a chance of some showers. Fortunately all the stands are indoors, so don’t worry about getting wet from the rain!
I have purchased a ticket, but haven't received it yet!
You have most likely made a typo in your emailadress when you purchased the tickets.
No worries though, send a mail to info@drinks-amsterdam.nl and we’ll sort everything for you.
I notices the Mixing School en Tastings cost extra. What do I get extra?
At the various stalls you can talk to the individual owner or brand rep about that specific brand. For the tastings and workshops we need to arrange a lot of additional things, which cost quite a bit. All sessions will be hosted by professionals who make sure they come well prepared. All sessions wll be with headphones, so you will be able to follow everything that is being said.
At Fever-Tree’s Mixing School you get a 45-minute explanation on various mixers and spirits and you get to mix your own at the end. The tastings are all a 25-minute guided talk on a specific subject. You will taste 5 different spirits, each with an explanation from a professional.
Gin festivals Nederland
Gin is niet meer weg te denken uit Nederland. De afgelopen jaren is het G&T menu een vast onderdeel van elke bar geworden en ontdekken steeds meer mensen dat ze thuis ook perfect kunnen experimenteren met deze mix! Tegelijk komen er steeds meer nieuwe merken op de markt. Het Gin Festival is de perfecte plek om met alle nieuwe èn oude gins kennis te maken. Je ontmoet de makers ervan, hoort hun verhalen en proeft de lekkerste combinaties.